What To Know About My Bellami Extensions Before I Get Them

At Whitney Evans Beauty, we pride ourselves on offering our clients the best services, products, and experiences. That’s why we specialize in Bellami hair extensions. If you’re thinking about elevating your look with Bellami extensions, there are a few things you’ll need to know before you take the first step. Below, we’ll explain what makes […]
How To Take Care Of Your Hand-Tied Hair Extensions

Your first time wearing hand-tied hair extensions is definitely a learning experience. All those years of caring for your natural hair has led to everyday techniques that you can do without even thinking about them. Yet, with hair extensions, you’ll need to learn some new ways to properly brush, wash, condition and dry your hair. […]
Reasons to Get Hair Extensions for Your Wedding

“How do they get their hair to look so perfect?” We hear that question from our customers all of the time. It’s usually when they’re scrolling through Pinterest or leafing through a magazine and see pictures of a celebrity wedding. While most of the celebs have access to a team of personal stylists, the main […]
Benefits of Hand-Tied Hair Extensions

Thinking of a new look as we head into a new year? Hair extensions may give you the volume, length and thickness that you desire. However, not all hair extensions are of equal quality, comfort and longevity. While you may be familiar with tape-in and clip-in hair extensions (or maybe even have tried them in […]